I shall update this post as OpenShowCase evolves and highlight the adequacies and inadequacies of the Mono platform for a developer thats used to having all the toys.
I work off several development machines depending on whether I'm on my lunch hour, at home or in a hotel so I need both the IDE and source to be available wherever I am. My laptop runs Ubuntu and my PC at home runs Debian so I just added Mirco Bauers Debian repository to both apt sources (deb http://debian.meebey.net/ ./).
As it's a non-standard repository you also need Mirco's PGP key:
gpg --keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 0x7127E5ABEEF946C8I haven't tried to get MonoDevelop working on Windows yet but I'll update this when I have.
gpg --export -a 0x7127E5ABEEF946C8 | apt-key add -
apt-get update && apt-get install monodevelop monodevelop-versioncontrol kdesvn
For source control I've used subversion and taken advantage of Google's code and project hosting. The version control plugin for MonoDevelop works well but has a problem with adding a newly created solution to an existing repository. The same problem appears to affect kdesvn so the simplest thing to do is just create the code.google.com repository and use the command line client to make the first commit. From the console change to the directory that you keep all your projects in and enter the command below:
svn checkout https://Afterwards the plugin seems to work fine..googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ openshowcase --username