So, I've been plotting the great escape from England since, well, about 10 minutes after I got here. Someone emailed me about a Job in Singapore with an investment bank and I got all excited. Earlier in the week I had a telephone interview at rise-and-shine 7 o'clock in the morning with the development manager of said investment bank and his big dot net question was "explain what a field class is". ?@!!!. I've never heard of it and I went with an admission of the same while suppressing the urge to try and sell a bag of blag.
He was a friendly bloke and said that it was "a class that could not be inherited". I just mumbled a bit and we moved on. Today I got the dreaded we'll-keep-your-cv-on-file letter and decided to do some research on this bastard "field class" that actually is a type of goo that prevents you from leaving England as opposed to an uninheritable code block.
The font of all knowledge that is Google, says a field class is many things but no reference to uninheritable code could I find. And since you've arrived at this post as a result of a Google search for the meaning of "field class" let me definitively explain, once and for all, that a field class is a very sticky goo that keeps you in England. Q.E.D.
Update: thanks smartass, I now realise he was talking about a sealed class...
1 comment:
DOn't wait - just go. Your destiny will find you.
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